Sample Wedding Congratulatory Sms

Want to send a congratulatory sms to a loved one,  family, friends etc. Here is a collection of sample wedding congratulatory messages.


Wedding wishes for my dear friends. I hope your life together will be filled with joy, happiness and lots of love!


I wish you a wonderful life together as you head down the road to married happiness. So happy for you!


Watching you together is like catching a sunrise—I’m witnessing the start of something beautiful. Thanks for letting me be here with you.


As you start this new journey in life, may every day hold wonderful shared experiences!


On this beautiful and lovely occasion I wish you a day filled with cherished moments.


Troubles come and go, happy times come and go, only your relationship stays immutable.
We wish you the happiest married life!


Always try to keep each other happy, then God will bless your family abundantly.


Wishing you a glorious ceremony with zillions of wonderful memories! My best wishes for you and your new life partner


Wishing you two a magical life, filled with spiritual nourishment, love and delight.


May joy and peace surround u, Contentment latch your door, And happiness be with u now, And bless u evermore. Happy wedding day


I pray to heaven to bring the highest quality of happiness for you. I hope that this moment will be ever memorable in your memory.


No matter how busy your days may be, make time for yourselves. Hold hands. Unwind. Surprise each other. Find little chances every day to show you’re grateful to be married. Congratulations.


Congrats on finding your true love! Lean on each other’s strengths and forgive each other weaknesses.


Marriage is not just about a romantic love, but it’s based on a solid friendship—which you two definitely have with each other. I couldn’t be happier for you. Congrats from afar!


May your mutual love take you to the pinnacle of success in all areas of life!


I wish you a wonderful wedding ceremony with beautiful cherishing moments of the ceremony. As the ceremony binds you both together for life, I pray to God for your bright future and well being always.


There is nothing most beautiful in the world than the image of two people who love each other deeply. When two hearts become one, then ring the wedding bells. Wedding is a special day: it’s the birth of a new family.


Space and time may separate my physical being from being present in your wedding ceremony today. But, my very best wishes are always with you. Have a great wedding!


Congratulations on your wedding day! This text isn’t enough to show my deep congratulations and happiness toward the two of you on your wedding day. Just know that I’m sending you nothing but my very best wishes to my favorite couple. Congrats on your marriage!


Wishing you never-ending love, that will bloom and shine on you all your life!


Am so happy you have found someone you can trust and love enough to share your life with. Without sharing, there is no one to reminisce about the adventures and growth that occurs in a person’s life. I am confident that your love will last and remain true, honest, forgiving and compassionate through everything life throws your way. Congratulations!


May your love bloom brighter and your companionship grow sweeter with each passing year.Congratulations on your wedding.


Congratulations to the wonderful two of you! “I predict cute babies”


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